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East Asia

Asia for Educators, Columbia University's East Asian Curriculum Project
This site offers teaching aids (workbooks on China and Japan, lesson plans on China, Unit Plans on China and Japan, and guides for history and literature), resource lists (recommended curriculum resources, travel programs, language programs, related links), and a library of short multi-media discussions on Japanese and Chinese history and literature.

Cheng and Tsui Company
Offers online catalogs of books, videos, and computer software on East Asia.

Indiana University, East Asian Studies Center
Includes information about the Center and other East Asian resources at the university as well as K-12 resources including teacher's guides published by Columbia University's East Asian Curriculum Project. EASC's Educator Resources

The Program for Teaching East Asia (TEA)
Conducts national, regional, and state projects designed to enhance and expand teaching and learning about East Asia at the elementary and secondary school levels. Specific projects focus on curriculum development, professional development for teachers, and curriculum consultation and reform related to Asia in K-12 education.

Last Updated October 25, 2010

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