2009 NEWS (pre-RSS)
October 2009
AsiaLENS: Daughters of Wisdom. Film screening and discussion with Arjia Rinpoche (Director of the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center, Bloomington, IN), Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2009, 7:00 pm at the Spurlock Museum. For more information on this and other films in the series please visit the AsiaLENS webpage.
July 2009
AEMS is currently hiring for the following positions:
Visiting Coordinator of AEMS
Visiting Assistant Coordinator of AEMS
June 2009
Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Our Saturday hours are discontinued indefinitely.
Schools out, but the movies are still here - drop in and check out those films you've been meaning to see! And don't forget about our extensive collection of curriculum units when you're planning for fall.
More information on the AEMS Media Library: localmedia/index.html
April 2009
AsiaLENS: The Last Ghost of War. Film screening Tuesday, April 7, 2009 pm at the Spurlock Museum. This film is part of a series of films shown every first Tuesday of the month at the Spurlock Museum at 7:00 pm. For more information on this and other films please visit the AsiaLENS webpage.
Teacher's Workshop: China's Revolutionary Anniversaries: 1919, 1949, 1969, 1989 Monday, April 13, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm with featured speaker Charles W. Hayford, Department of History at Northwestern University. Pre-registration is required for this FREE event. This workshop will be held at Champaign Central High School, Library Lecture Hall.
Community Event for Teens and Adults: Introducton to Anime. Wednesday, April 29, 4:00-8:30 pm, at the Urbana Free Library, Lewis Auditorium. This is an event for high school students and teachers that is open to the public. The featuring invited speaker Melek Ortabasi, with presentations by David Fleming and Rachel Lenz. This event is co-sponsored by the Urbana Free Library and AEMS.
March 2009
AsiaLENS: Kabul Transit. Film screening Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 7:00 pm at the Spurlock Museum. This film is part of a series of films shown every first Tuesday of the month at the Spurlock Museum at 7:00 pm. For more information on this and other films please visit the AsiaLENS webpage.
Roundtable: Digital Video in Asian Studies at the 2009 Association for Asian Studies Conference, Sheraton Chicago. Session #100: Friday, March 27, 3:15pm - 5:15pm, Michigan A, Level 2. David Plath, Jacquetta Hill, Jeffrey Dym and Purnima Shah, all presenters and participants of our 2008 Digital Asia Workshop, present progress reports on their work and lead a discussion on the value of film and video as scholarship.
February 2009
AsiaLENS: Please Vote for Me. Film screening and discussion with Gale Summerfield (UIUC), Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2009, 7:00 pm at the Spurlock Museum. This film is part of a series of films shown every first Tuesday of the month at the Spurlock Museum at 7:00 pm. For more information on this and other films please visit the AsiaLENS webpage.
Educator Workshop: Teaching Japan Through Anime. Monday, February 23, 4:00pm - 7:00pm, Champaign Central High School Library Lecture Hall, pre-registration required.
AEMS Winter 2009 Newsletter now available!
2008 NEWS
December 2008/January 2009
AEMS Winter Break Hours
AEMS will be closed this Saturday, December 20. We will be open next week on Monday (December 22) and Tuesday (December 23), before closing from December 24, 2008 through January 4, 2009. AEMS will reopen on Monday, January 5, 2009.
December 2008
New Current Events Page: Asian Reactions to the 2008 U.S. Elections
Celebrating Children in a World Community: A Day of Activities and Film.
Saturday, December 13, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at the Spurlock Museum.
November 2008
New Film Reviews from Asian Film Festival 2007:
New Online Review: Learning from Asian Art: Korea
New Current Events page: HIV in Asia
October 2008
Asian Film Festival 2008: Young in Japan. October 3-5, 2008 (Friday through Sunday) join us for our annual Asian Film Festival at Boardman's Art Theatre (Champaign, IL). This year we are featuring Japanese films (English subtitles). For film trailers, the full schedule of films, and descriptions please click here or call 217-333-9597 for more information.
AsiaLENS: The Flute Player. Film screening and discussion with
Judy Ledgerwood (Northern Illinois University) at the Spurlock Museum, Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 7:00 pm. Part of a new series for 2008-09 at the Spurlock Museum!
September 2008
Fall 2008 Newsletter now available!
AsiaLENS: Golden Venture: A Journey Into America's Immigration Nightmare. Film screening and discussion with Poshek Fu (UIUC), Spurlock Museum, 9/16/08. Part of a new series for 2008-09 at the Spurlock Museum!
Registration now open: Wings of Defeat: A Teacher Workshop on Japanese Kamikaze Pilots in World War II, Monday, September 29, 2008, 4:00 pm. Part of Asian Festival 2008: Young in Japan.
August 2008
Announced: Asian Film Festival 2008: Young in Japan, October 3-5 at Boardman's Art Theatre!
Announced: Educator Workshop on WWII Kamikaze Pilots and film Wings of Defeat, Monday, September 29, 2008.
AEMS Media Library catalog is now online with the Lincoln Trails Library System!
June 2008
Preview of new borrower agreement for patrons of AEMS Media Library now available.
New Current Events Page: China's May 12 Earthquake
New: Interview with Keiko Ikeda, producer of the DVD On Another Playground: Japanese Popular Culture in America.
May 2008
Summer 2008 Newsletter now available! Special Theme: Asians in Diaspora
Digital Asia Workshop May 15-17.
April 2008
New DVD Release: On Another Playground: Japanese Popular Culture in America - now available for purchase.
Now available for online purchase, special sale price: Under Another Sun: Japanese in Singapore.
AEMS/Asian American Studies Film Screening: New Year Baby. Tuesday, April 15, 8pm, Asian American Cultural Center,
1210 W. Nevada Street, Urbana.
March 2008
New online film review: Transnational Tradeswomen
February 2008
New Currents Events page: 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.
Now available: full-text of interview with Sufeng Song, director The Vagina Monologues: Stories from China
AEMS Film Screening: The Blood of the Yingzhou district. Tuesday, February 19, 7pm, Armory 386
January 2008
Winter 2008 issue of News & Reviews is out!
Digital Asia: Documentary Digital Video Workshop. May 16-17, 2008. Application Deadline: February 28
AEMS Film Screening: China Blue. Wed., January 23, 2008, 7pm, Armory 386
Coming soon: New DVD release On Another Playground: Japanese Popular culture in America - the "Soft Power" of Japan's pop culture.
2007 NEWS
November 2007
AEMS will exhibit at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, San Diego - November 30-Dec. 1.
New website review by Cathy Benton: A Virtual Village (India)
New Current Events pages:
AEMS Educator Workshop: Teaching about the Khmer Rouge: Cambodia (1975-1979), and Islamist Dreams, Women's Realities in Southeast Asia - November 10, 2007 9:00 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Springer Cultural Center
Asian Film Festival 2007: Southeast Asian Popular Cinema - November 9-10, 2007
Boardman's Art Theatre.
October 2007
Vietnamese Film Screening: Buffalo Boy - Wed., Oct. 17, 7:00 p.m., the Humanities Lecture Hall located on the first floor of 805 West Pennsylvania Avenue, Urbana.
September 2007
AEMS now has an email list! AEMS now has local and global listservs. Please email to be added, and please specify whether you would like to be on the global listserv, with occasional announcements regarding AEMS publications and services, or the local listserv, which in addition will announce AEMS-sponsored events in central Illinois.
Fall 2007 issue of News & Reviews is out!
AEMS and Japan House film screening: The Lover's Exile: Bunraku Puppet Theatre of Japan. Wed., Sept. 19, 5:30 pm, Japan House.
August 2007
Asian Film Festival 2007 announced! Southeast Asian Popular Cinema, November 9 and 10, at Boardman's Art Theatre.
AEMS seeks a part-time events coordinator - please spread the word!
New Film Reviews: Surviving Chau and Gone to Pat
July 2007
New Current Events Page: Hong Kong: Ten Years Later
June 2007
New AEMS feature: Web Resource Reviews. Our first: a review of
Summer 2007 News & Reviews is out!
Special AEMS Media Section of Education About Asia, Spring 2007
May 2007
Local Library Patrons: Be sure to check our Recent Acquisitions page each month.
New AEMS feature: Online Film Reviews. Read our first: a review of Eating the Scorpion.
April 2007
Discussion and Screening of Makiko’s New World with filmmaker David Plath: A follow-up to our Digital Asia Workshop. Thursday, April 19, 2007, 7-9 pm Humanities Lecture Hall, AEMS/IPRH Building, FREE
AEMS/EAPS Film Screening: Drumming Out a Message: Eisa and the Okinawan Diaspora in Japan, April 26
AEMS is pleased to announce that all of the MPG videos are now available as DVDs.
AEMS has joined Lincoln Trails Library System (LTLS), a consortium of over 120 libraries in central Illinois. We anticipate being able to offer the materials in our library to a wider audience. We will also be able to participate in the OCLC (WorldCat) system through this association. We are very excited to be the newest member of LTLS!
March 2007
Visit the AEMS booth at the annual AAS Conference taking place in Boston, March 22-25.
New AEMS/MPG Workshop: North and South Korean Relations: Teaching with the Film Repatriation, March 30, 2007.
Korean Documentary Film Festival, March 29-31
New AEMS/MPG workshop: Digital Asia: Making Your Own Documentary, March 10
February 2007
Winter 2007 News & Reviews is out, but you may still download it for free (PDF) form from our website!
January 2007
Please fill out our survey.
2006 NEWS
October 2006
Information about the nuclear weapon test in North Korea
Q&A Session with Director of The Unforgiven
Click here to watch streaming video
Educator Workshop: Teaching Korea Through Film
Click here to watch streaming video
September 2006
AEMS has a new website!
The AEMS website has been completely redesigned and reorganized.
Please explore it--we hope you find it easier and more pleasant to use!
We welcome your feedback. The website was designed by Spinlight,
and the new logo was designed by Electric Pictures.
New DVD Release from MPG: Preaching From Pictures
information and to purchase a copy.
Fourth annual AEMS/EAPS Film Festival draws an audience
of nearly 1000!
The Buzz feature
article and film
Korean Film Festival 2006 Program Information
February 2006
30 Years of Sisterhood: More
Taegukgi: More Information
January 2006
Spring 2006 Announcements are now available (PDF).
2005 NEWS
December 2005
Honolulu, HI "Asia in the Curriculum" Symposium (12/2/05-12/3/05)
notes available here.
November 2005
We have recently added a new section for Current
Events In Asia.
Last updated June 1, 2009