Indian culture is currently going through a period of massive change. Nowhere is this more obvious than the music industry, where national celebrities, supported by multi-million dollar corporations, are rapidly replacing traditional street performers. Not to say the country's music is now borrowing wholesale from the West; the emerging popular culture is uniquely Indian, but with more hype and much sexier than before.
The Indian Film Music Phenomenon: There'll Always Be Stars in the Sky mourns the loss of traditional music performers, who are increasingly being driven to margins of society as the silver screen (most Indian movies are musicals) mesmerizes the masses. It also criticizes the Bombay film industry for creating fantasy worlds that intoxicate people instead of motivating them. Indian Film Music discusses different elements of the film industry as well as various strata of the society as a whole. All around, it is a thought-provoking film even if you don't agree with the director's conclusions.