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Somewhere Between
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Long Shot Factory
Review Available:Review
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:August 2012
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:88 minutes
Physical Description:(Null)
Author:Linda Goldstein Knowlton
Resource Library Number:EACDVD 154
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Teens & Young Adults
Region:East Asia


Of the roughly 80,000 girls who have been adopted from China since 1989, a decade after China implemented its One Child Policy, the film intimately follows four teenagers: Haley, Jenna, Anna and Fang. These four wise-beyond-their-years yet typical American Teens reveal a heartbreaking sense of self-awareness as they attempt to answer the uniquely human question, "Who am I?" Issues of belonging, race and gender are brought to life through these articulate subjects, who approach life with honesty and open hearts.

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