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Everyday Landscapes of Memories in Kesennuma before 3.11
Content:Documentary Film
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2012
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:18 min.
Physical Description:(Null)
Author:Directed by Izumi Kuroishi

Subject:Science, Technology, & the Environment
Subheading:Natural Disaster
Region:East Asia


This film features the lost everyday landscape in Kesennuma city after the 3.11 Tsunami in Tohoku. For the refugees, losing the memory of their normal everyday life and the community relationship in the rapid and large scale reconstructions has become serious concern. In order to help them to preserve their beautiful image of homeland and traditional lifestyle, and to transmit it to their next generation, we have been collecting old pictures and related oral histories in slide show DVD. This is an evidence to show ho movies can be small but important methods for the redevelpment from the disaster by supporting the identity and community bond of the people.

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