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Afghan Chronicles
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2007
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:52 min.
Physical Description:(Null)
Author:Directed by Dominic Morissette

Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Politics and Government
Social Change
Region:Central Asia


Since the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan has been rebuilding itself and reviving democracy, and there is some freedom of expression. With its radio station and two magazines, one of them aimed at women, the press agency Killid Media is a real media phenomenon. This new press, dedicated to fighting ignorance and illiteracy, is promoting a message freed from the constraints of tradition and setting the foundations of modernity. As it follows the distribution of these popular magazines across Kabul, Afghan Chronicles shows the struggles within this changing society and paints a touching picture of a land that is a work in progress, dreaming of a better future. Yet achievements are still fragile. What will become of the dream of renewal cherished by this nation trying to rebuild itself?

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