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Afghanistan: Girl Power!
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Films for the Humanities and Sciences
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2012
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:27 min
Physical Description:(Null)
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Rituals and Customs
Social Change
Region:Central Asia


“I think when you are born a woman in Afghanistan,” says Kabul native Noorjahan Akbar, “you are taught every day to hate yourself.” But, as this film illustrates, Akbar is in no danger of falling into that self-hatred trap. The youthful activist counsels victims of misogynist brutality and has helped establish Young Women for Change, an organization dedicated to improving the lives and human rights of Afghan women. The documentary also features a profile of Trudi-Ann Tierney, an Australian producer who creates shows for Kabul’s Tolo TV network. Tierney’s difficulties in promoting a progressive image of women, and even in ensuring the safety of female performers, echo the ongoing hurdles Afghanistan faces as a torn and violent nation.

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