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Juche Idea, The
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Kino International
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2009
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:62 min
Language:Korean with English subtitles
Author:Directed by Jim Finn
Politics and Government
Subheading:Human Rights
Theater & Cinema


In the late 1960's Kim Jong Il guaranteed his succession as the Dear Leader of North Korea by adapting his father's Juche (pronounced choo-CHAY) philosophy to propaganda, film and art. Translated as self-reliance, Juche is a hybrid of Confucian and  authoritarian Stalinist pseudo-socialism. The film is about a South Korean video artist who comes to a North Korean art residency to help bring Juche cinema into the 21st century. Inspired by the real-life story of the South Korean director kidnapped in the 70's to invigorate the North Korean film industry, the film follows Yoon Jung Lee, a young video artist invited to work at a Juche art residency on a North Korean collective farm. The story is told through the films she made at the residency as well as interviews with a Bulgarian filmmaker and even a brief sci-fi movie.

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