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ICIMOD: For Mountains and People
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Asia Society
Media Type:Streaming Video
Release Date:2009
Audience:Higher Education
Middle/Junior High School
High School
Running Time:8 minutes
Subject:Science, Technology, & the Environment
Subheading:Environment & Policy
Region:Central Asia
East Asia


This 7-minute video calls attention to a challenging time for the mountain regions, with the impacts of global warming such as glacial lake bursts and unpredictable precipitation patterns threatening the ecological biodiversity, cultural heritages and people’s livelihoods. At this time of rapid changes, even the highly resilient people here in the mountains are learning how to adapt. ICIMOD scientists are not only studyig the changes in the region with remote sensing and other technologies, they are also helping the mountain population make sense of a changing world and analyze options for adaptation. “We are trying to promote opportunities for rural populations,” says Director General Andreas Schild. For more information, visit the distributor's website.

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