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MILAREPA: Magician, Murderer, Saint
Content:Feature Film
Available From:Snow Lion Publications
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2006
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:90 minuetes
Physical Description:(Null)
Neten Chokling
Resource Library Number:EAODVD 20
Philosophy and Religion
Folk Religion
Other Biography
Region:East Asia


This feature film, beautifully photographed in the stunning Lahual-Spiti region of Northern India, depicts the true story of the youthful Milarepa. Covering his early years, this compelling story shows how and why he sets out to learn black magic, developing mystical powers. The movie is based on a true story, from centuries-old oral traditions, of the early life of Milarepa, and how he is propelled into a world of sorrow and betrayal after his father’s sudden death. Destitute and hopeless, he seeks ways to exact revenge on his enemies, encountering magicians, demons, an enigmatic teacher and an unfolding world of mystical powers, along the way. But Milarepa’s true revelation comes when he is confronted with the consequences of his anger, which teach him the most. The film offers a provocative parallel to the cycle of violence and retribution we see consuming today’s world.

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