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Book of Miri
Content:Documentary Film
Release Date:2009
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:29 minutes
Author:Director: Katrine Philip
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Media Studies
Region:East Asia
Country:South Korea


Miri was born in Korea, but grew up in Sweden. A librarian by day, Miri comes home to her flat in the evenings, dons a string of funky outfits, and poses for her camera. Then she uploads the images to her computer and diligently chronicles her fashion adventures on her blog—everything from lace to polka dots to glasses straight out of the 1980s. A self-proclaimed loner, Miri finds refuge in the online space she has created for herself. Here, she feels comfortable expressing her thoughts, confiding in her readers about everything from the mundane to the philosophical to the personal. Slipping seamlessly between Miri’s real and online worlds, this quiet film offers a tender meditation on identity and the search for belonging. For more information, see the film website.

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