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Japan's Experience in Environmental Pollution: Light and Shadow of Pesticides, The
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:TVE Asia Pacific
Media Type:DVD
Streaming Video
Release Date:2007
Audience:Higher Education
Middle/Junior High School
High School
Running Time:31 minutes
Physical Description:
Subject:Science, Technology, & the Environment
Public Health
Region:East Asia


As Japan rapidly industrialized after the WWII, use of pesticides and chemical fertilizer for farming increased dramatically. Even though these new chemicals seemed like a great invention for easing the hard work of farming and increasing the produce, farmers started feeling bad effects on their body. Hard-to-decompose Chemicals in nature that were released into the open field found their way to the river, air, soil and in the body of livestock, then finally in the human body . It was when unusually high level of pesticides residues was found in vegetables that consumers took their action. This film is about the consumers 'searching for safe food, and farmers' struggles to produce food without using chemicals as well as the government's implementation of regulations moved by the civil voice.

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