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Lady White Snake : a tale from Chinese opera
Series Title:Animated Chinese Classic Story on DVD: Folktales and Legends
Available From:Asia for Kids
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2008
Audience:Elementary Education
Running Time:18 min.
Language:English and Mandarin Chinese
Author:retold by Aaron Shepard ; illustrated by Song Nan Zhang ; Chinese translation by Isabella Chen. Aaron Shepard; Song Nan Zhang; Isabella Chen; Pan Asian Publications

Subject:Language and Literature
Legend or ghost story
Region:East Asia


Product Description
What fate awaits a thousand-year-old white snake that travels from its sacred mountain to the human world, only to fall in love with a mortal? Such is the unusual beginning of this tragic love story, one of the most popular in all of Chinese opera. Lady White's marriage and selfless devotion to her beloved husband Xu Xian is considered by Fahai-the abbot of a nearby temple-as heresy and an abomination. Fahai attempts to separate the couple, and in a spectacular battle, Lady White Snake musters all her powers to remain with her husband. Although our heroine prevails in the end, time is sadly not on her side. This DVD takes the beautiful artworks by Mr. Zhang from the original story book and adds animation, music, narration and subtitles. The dialog is in Mandarin and English. The subtitles are in English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Hanyu Pinyin. Bonus feature include the Notes on Lady White Snake. Public Performance Rights.

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