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2 Million Minutes
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Broken Pencil Productions
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2008
Audience:Elementary Education
Higher Education
Middle/Junior High School
High School
Running Time:54 min.
Author:Directed and Edited by Chad Heeter :
Executive Produced by Robert A. Compton :
Produced by Adam Raney

Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Subheading:Children and Youth
Social Structure
Teens & Young Adults
Region:East Asia
East/West Relations
South Asia


This film takes a deeper look at how the three superpowers of the 21st Century - China, India and the United States - are preparing their students for the future. As we follow two students - a boy and a girl - from each of these countries, we compose a global snapshot of education, from the viewpoint of kids preparing for their future. - Press Release

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