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Hangeul, the dream alphabet of the world
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Korea Foundation
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2008
Audience:Higher Education
Middle/Junior High School
High School
Running Time:51 min.
Physical Description:1 disk
Language:Korean with English subtitles
Author:Produced by TV Mania Production
Resource Library Number:EAKDVD 084
Subject:Diaspora and Ethnicity
Language and Literature
Region:East Asia
Country:North Korea
South Korea


In line with Korea¡¯s elevated status among the global community, international interest in Hangeul has been on the increase as well. Moreover, the number of foreign learners of the Korean language has been noticeably boosted by the fast-growing popularity of Korea¡¯s modern culture, including movies, TV dramas, and pop music. This video features scenes of foreigners with a passion for learning and using Hangeul, including a group of Japanese women who visit Korea to personally experience Hangeul; Professor Werner Sasse, a former Korean Studies professor of the University of Hamburg, who now resides in Damyang, where he conducts research on Korean literature; Panta Navarage of Nepal who teaches Hangeul as part of his efforts to reduce the illiteracy of Nepalese people, like the Chepang tribe¡¯s people that have no written language of their own.

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