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Woman on the Beach
Variant Title:Haebyonui yoin
Content:Feature Film
Available From:New Yorker Films
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2006
Running Time:127 minutes
Language:Korean with English Subtitles
Author:Director : Sang-Soo Hong, New Yorker Films
Resource Library Number:EAKDVD 89
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Subheading:Teens & Young Adults
Region:East Asia
Country:South Korea


bout 10 minutes into Woman on the beach, a bittersweet accounting of the geography of desire from the South Korean director Hong Sang-soo, two men and a woman stand staring into the sea. This seemingly casual triangle is a classic formal and sexual configuration for Mr. Hong, whose elegant, restrained films chart the mysteries of the heart and the follies of the head with intelligence and shock waves of feeling. Yet true to form, Mr. Hong draws this triangle with hard, sharp lines, which you grasp when one man tells the other that he admires him because “it’s hard for a married man to openly bring along his girlfriend,” as he has.--Manohla Dargis, The New York Times

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