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Distorted Propaganda
Content:Documentary Film
Release Date:2007
Audience:Higher Education
Author:Directed by Jeff Lodas
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Politics and Government
Subheading:Educational Policy
Local Government
Popular Culture
Region:East Asia


Through the window of Chinese propaganda in Tibet, this film looks at topics such as education, entertainment, urban development, religion, political anniversary celebration, and the peaceful liberation of Tibet.

Propaganda is ubiquitous in China. Because of Tibet's political situation, many facets of life have a political tone. Education, from primary school through university, always includes political education, which seeks to produce loyalty to the Communist Party, and ferret out those who would dissent. Through popular entertainment, Tibetans may find themselves, willingly or unwillingly, singing songs of praise to the Party and Chairman Mao. Urbanization and economic development are the great achievements held high by the Party. Who really benefits from it? Who really pays for it? Being Buddhist is synonymous with being Tibetan, and is one of the clearest expressions of national identity. Yet, loyalty to the Communist Party must come before everything, and religion is no exception. 2001 marked 50 years since the arrival of the Peoples' Liberation Army on the Tibetan Plateau. A parade and celebration of this "peaceful liberation" was carefully orchestrated in Lhasa, amid high security.

Five interviews reveal what it is like to grow up, live and work with propaganda in daily life. Three anonymous Tibetans discuss their experiences with education, media, and popular music. Interviewed on camera are Chopata Mache, a composer, and Agya Rinpoche, former Abbot of Kumbum Monastery in Amdo and VP of the Chinese Buddhist Association.

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