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Camellia Project: Three Queer Stories at Bogil Island
Variant Title:Camellia Project: 3 Queer Stories at Bogil Island
Content:Feature Film
Available From:KOFIC - Korean Film Council
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2004
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:107 min
Language:Korean with English subtitles
Author:Directed by CHOI Jin-sung; SO Joon-moon; LEE SONG Hee-il
Resource Library Number:EAKDVD 67
Subject:Gender and Women's Studies
Subheading:Gender Roles
Region:East Asia
Country:South Korea


A queer love story “Camellia Project” which is an omnibus feature film comprised of three stories, depicts how difficult to live as a queer in Korea society. This film is shot in Bogil Island lying in the southernmost part of Korea. Bogil Island, far away from center of Korea, implies to live as a queer in Korea. To live as a queer in Korea is same as to live in island. A red camellias is used often as a metaphor of a sad love story in many poems as well as novels. This film takes as red camellia as a love story motif. A red camellia blooms even in winter and looks intense and passionate.

Episode 1. KIM Chu-ja dir_CHOI Jin-sung
Two men celebrate their chance encounter by running off to Bogil Island to. As they make love the sound of a child crying and music is heard. Could it be that the eternal icon Korean traditional music KIM Chu-ja their own goddess of love?

Episode 2. Drifting Island dir_SO Joon-moon
Jin-uk and Yeon-hoo turn against Seoul and leave for an island.
Two years later two person’s emotion alters unfamiliar period slowly by oneself.
A sad and beautiful love story of a man who wants to catch another who wants to leave.

Episode 3. La Traviata dir_LEE SONG Hee-il
This film inspired by 'La Traviata' by Dumasfils is about 'letter'. A woman goes to Bogil Island to look for the lover of her dead husband. The lover she founds is a man. She hands over the letter to the man, which was written by her husband just before he died.
Is it possible for her who is hurt by this gay couple to forgive them?

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