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China Rising Volume III: Roads to Freedom
Variant Title:The Epic History of 20th Century China
Series Title:China Rising
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:History Channel, The
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1996
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:150 min.
Author:Granite Productions for Yorkshire Television
Produced and directed by Gwyneth Hughes
Resource Library Number:EACV 12
Subject:Economics and Business
Subheading:Cultural Revolution
Economic Development
History, 1951-1980
Region:East Asia


From the Manchu's overthrow to the "moral-force" regime of Deng Xiaoping, this three-part program, produced for British television, documents eight decades of Chinese history. Archival film (some never before seen) and modern scenes are juxtaposed with personal stories of the Kuomintang's drive against warlords, Japanese domination in the 1930's, the Long March, Tiananmen Square, and other signal events. "Paradise of Adventurers" (part 1) uses Shanghai as a metaphor in tracing China's development between the wars. "Change in Heaven" sees allied victory, the triumph of communism, and Chiang's flight to Taiwan. "Roads to Freedom" details the Cultural Revolution, the end of Mao's era, and China's emergence as an economic and political giant.

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