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Radiation: A Slow Death - A New Generation of Hibakusha
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Choices Video Inc
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2005
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:91 minutes
Author:Hitomi Kamanaka
Resource Library Number:EAJDVD 24
Science, Technology, & the Environment
Subheading:Atomic Bomb
Public Health
Region:East Asia


The consequences of nuclear warfare, as well as the general effects of "atmospheric radiation" are explored through the eyes of its victims in this compelling and unsettling documentary. Originally, the Japanese word "hibakusha" was used to refer to the survivors of the atomic bomb. Here, the director goes back to its literal meaning, "victim of radiation" to include new generations of sufferers who have emerged globally. This film documents the lives of these sufferers including Iraqi children irradiated by the use of depleted uranium ammunition during the Gulf War, American farmers living near the Hanford plutonium factory in Washington state, and survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Though separated by time and space, their common peril delivers a strong message to the contemporary world. Lesson plan available at Online guidebook available at

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