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Dogen's Metaphysics of Cooking: Koans of the way of reality : Case #108
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Dharma Communications
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1994
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:52 minutes.
Physical Description:VHS videotape
Author:John Daido Loori
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Philosophy and Religion
Region:East Asia


The practice of zazen refines our lives. It doesn't exclude anything. It makes us notice the preciousness of the very qualities we may want to disregard or deny. Master Dogen's instructions to the monastery cook tell us how to handle the ingredients we have available at every moment to create a meal that can nourish and sustain those who are hungry. Whether we are cooking with choice delicacies or plain water, there is always the possibility of a perfect meal. We refine by cooking, cooking thoroughly, cooking at every moment, cooking over and over. We cook to feed every starving mouth, to heal every wasted body, to bring satisfaction to every haunted spirit. As our practice deepens, the boundaries between the meditation hall and the kitchen dissolve. As we offer a bowl of soup, we offer every ounce of our personality. As we offer our body and mind, we create an endless feast. Dharma discourse by John Daido Loori Roshi.

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