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The Meal Gatha says:
"First, seventy-two laborers brought us this food,
We should know how it comes to us.
Second, as we receive this offering,
We should consider whether our virtue and practice deserve it.
Third, as we desire the natural order of mind to be free from clinging,
We must be free from greed.
Fourth, to support our life we take this food.
Fifth, to attain our way we take this food."
Eating is a concrete link connecting our body and mind to the body and mind of our environment. Eating an apple, we eat sunlight, rain, wind, and taste the song of the thrush nesting at the foot of the apple tree. We touch the hand that picked the fruit. In completely consuming, we are consumed and we nourish - we enter directly into the heart of the mystery of life. Dharma discourse by John Daido Loori Roshi.