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Classical Feng Shui: Harnessing Nature's Subtle Forces
Variant Title:Feng shui: The Traditional Way to Happiness
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Films for the Humanities and Sciences
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:2001
Audience:Higher Education
Professional Development
Running Time:56 minutes
Author:Written directed by Martin Uhrmeister
Philosophy and Religion
Region:East Asia


This program focuses on the Land Formations and Flying Stars Schools of classical feng shui, demonstrating the ancient Chinese geomantic practice of living harmoniously with the environment as it is applied in Hong Kong and elsewhere. World-renowned teacher Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai and several feng shui consultants provide a detailed overview of Taoism, chi, yin and yang, the five symbolic elements and animals, the bagua and its eight trigrams, and the lo pan compass. The feng shui of a number of buildings—Norman Foster’s Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank and I. M. Pei’s Bank of China, among others—as well as several ancestral grave sites is assessed. The feng shui of a variety of locales in Europe is also analyzed. 

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