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Governments on Earth
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Social Studies School Service
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:2001
Audience:Elementary Education
Secondary Education
Running Time:25 min.
Physical Description:one video cassette (25 min.) color
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Politics and Government
Subheading:Local Government
National Government
Social Change
Region:East Asia
South Asia
Southeast Asia


This historical review tracks developments in government from the tribalism of hunter-gatherers; to larger, authoritarian communities after the agricultural revolution; to the early experiment with democratic city-states in ancient Greece; to the post-Renaissance struggles (fueled by science, the printing press, and free markets) among nations and prenational units. Twentieth-century totalitarian regimes in Germany, Russia, and China are shown to have given way to democratic blossomings (triumphal, if troubled) in Cambodia, India, Africa, and the Middle East. Guide includes script and bibliography. Grades 9·2. Closed captioned. Color. 25 minutes. Hawkhill. ©2001.

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