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Afghan Nomads (The Maldar)
Series Title:Faces of Change: Afghanistan
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Documentary Educational Resources
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1974
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:21 minutes
Physical Description:color, VHS
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Diaspora and Ethnicity
Subheading:Ethnic Groups
History, 1951-1980
Rural Conditions
Region:Central Asia


"At dawn a nomad caravan descends on Aq Kupruk from the foothills of the Hindu Kush. In their camp, and in commerce with the townspeople, the Maldar reveal the mixture of faith and distrust that has kept nomads and sedentary people separate and interdependent over the centuries. The theme of the film focuses on political and religious beliefs. The film and accompaning instructor notes in this series embrace five different and complex units of analysis concerning how political change occurs; individual attitudes, ethnic identity, national loyalties, institutional affiliations, and ideological beliefs."

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