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Play and Learn Chinese with Mei Mei volume 1
Variant Title:Play and Learn Chinese
Series Title:Play and Learn Languages
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Asia for Kids
Mei Mei and Me
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1999
Audience:Elementary Education
Running Time:42 min.
Physical Description:one color video cassette, 43 min.
Language:English and Mandarin Chinese
Author:Master Communications
Resource Library Number:EACV 96 ; EACDVD 130.1
Subject:Language and Literature
Subheading:Language Instruction
Region:East Asia


Finally, a video that entertains while teaching Mandarin Chinese to children! In a bilingual format, Mei Mei introduces basic topics such as numbers, parts of the body, actions, games, greetings, family, names and ages in a lively, interactive environment. The video features children in action, singing and playing consistent with the Total Physical Response method, the most effective way of teaching a foreign language. Singing along with favorite children's songs like "Pull the Carrot" will heighten your child's interest in learning Chinese. Children will want to watch the video over and over, and in the process will pick up Chinese naturally. Available for Home or School/Institution use. || For ages 3-11

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