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City of Cathay, A
Series Title:Treasure the Treasures
Available From:China Books and Periodicals, Inc.
Review Available:Review
Media Type:CD-ROM
Release Date:1998
Audience:Elementary Education
Higher Education
Secondary Education
Physical Description:one CD-ROM
Author:Lee and Lee Communications
Subheading:Fine Arts
Region:East Asia


This stunning CD-ROM takes a view of ancient Chinese life as seen through one of the most beloved works of Chines art. Based on the 36-foot long 18th-century masterpiece now in the National Palace Museum inTaiwan, this remarkable disc allow you to zoom in and out and view every inch of this magnificent work for an unparalleled look into the intricate details of daily life. Includes full-color guidebook and a beautiful paper reproduction of the original scroll. Highly reommended for students of Chinese art, history, and culture.

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