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Fear and Hope in Cambodia
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Icarus Films
United Nations
Review Available:Review
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1993
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:56 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (56 min.): col.; 1/2 in.
Author:Written by William Shawcross
The United Nations
Resource Library Number:SEAV 38
Subject:Politics and Government
Subheading:Human Rights
Region:Southeast Asia


"Melodrama, cliff hanger -- these words aptly describe Cambodia's elections, which with every success seemed to suffer a drastic setback. The world's media followed the elections closely and time and again declared it a failure only to find it back on track. FEAR AND HOPE IN CAMBODIA chronicles Cambodia's recent history from the Paris Peace Agreement, to the elections, and finally the signing of a new Constitution. Written and narrated by well-known British journalist and author William Shawcross, the film includes previously unseen footage of massacres, intimidation, and human rights abuses. As ordinary Cambodians, international military, civilians and volunteers voice their concerns and relate their experiences, FEAR AND HOPE IN CAMBODIA presents an insightful look at contemporary Cambodia from within."

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