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Cultivating Dreams: College Women Living Alone in Tokyo
Variant Title:Joshidaisei Tokyo hitorigurashi
Series Title:Way of Life in Japan, The
Content:Documentary Film
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1994
Audience:Higher Education
Secondary Education
Running Time:20 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (20 min.): col., 1/2"
Author:NHK International
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Gender and Women's Studies
Subheading:Higher Education
Urban Conditions
Region:East Asia


"The proportion of Japanese women going to university (including two-year junior colleges) is now 39.2% ... a rate that Japanese men can no longer match. Some women at university simply take things easy following the intense competition of college entrance exams, but others have a well-defined ambition and an agenda to get them where they want to go in their four years at university. This program presents the life of a woman who has come to Tokyo from another part of Japan. She doesn't rely on her parents to provide the money she needs to live alone in Tokyo and go to university. Instead, she supports herself by doing newspaper rounds every morning and evening. We learn about her hopes, dreams and everyday life, and we also see what life is like for other women living alone in Tokyo and going to university there."--Container.

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