"THE SILK ROAD CD-ROM takes the user on a digital journey rich in adventure and discovery, introducing the Peoples, History, Languages, Religions and Explorers of the ancient route and the Silk Road today. Ideas and information are presented through a variety of interactive multimedia: rich images and collages, sound, music, color and design. Choose your own routes through markets and hidden caves; follow the maps and hypertext to see how Buddhism spread from India out along the valleys and over the mountains to China. Investigate Zaroastrianism, read about the importance of Kashgar and the Tarim Basin, build a yurt, hear the sounds of Tibetan monks, test your skill and earn a diploma from the Univeristy of Dunhuang.
Minimum System Requirements: Macintosh: A 68030 processor, System 7, 2.5 MB of available RAM, 13 inch monitor (640x480), double-speed CD-ROM drive. Windows: A 486Sx-25MHz processor, Runs on Windows '95 or 3.1, 4MB of RAM, A 640x480, 256-color monitor, a MPC compatible, 8-bit sound card, a double-speed CD-ROM drive. Publisher: DNA Multimedia.