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Caste at Birth
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Filmakers Library
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1991
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:52 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (52 min.): col.; 1/2"
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Diaspora and Ethnicity
Economics and Business
Politics and Government
Subheading:Class and Caste
Discrimination and Racism
Human Rights
Social Conditions
Social Problems
Region:South Asia


Mira Hamermesh, Director, Producer, and Writer. "Few Westerners realize the grave situation of India's 'untouchables.' There are 150 million of them who live a segregated life. They cannot own land or get an education and are condemned to the most menial jobs, such as sweeping streets, cleaning toilets, or butchering animals. In the villages they are subject to abuse, sometimes killed for minor slights to the landowners. From birth, all alternatives are closed to them. While the government has tried to improve the condition of the untouchables, these attempts have been met by strong resistance. Upper caste Hindus profit from this source of cheap labor. In addition, the Hindu notion that the untouchable is impure is deeply ingrained. However, a few leaders have arisen from their ranks, who work for change."

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