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Series Title:Cultures of the World
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Rainbow Educational Media
Review Available:Review
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1993
Audience:Elementary Education
Middle/Junior High School
Running Time:18 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (18 min.); 1/2" + 1 teacher's guide
Author:Rainbow Educational Video
Subject:Description and Travel
Subheading:Cities & Villages
Region:Southeast Asia


While one country since U.S. withdrawal in the late 1970s, the contrasts between what was North and South Vietnam are stark. The people in Hanoi rely on their feet for transportation, be it by walking, bicycle or pedal cart. Take a boat ride through Hai Phong harbor on one of the over-crowded ferries that take many of the residents to and from work. See the monument to Ho Chi Minh as thousands of Vietnamese pay tribute to their national hero. To the south, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is alive with motor vehicle activity. The French and American influence is still strong. The stores and sidewalk vendors have a wide variety of merchandise for sale. Take another look at the rooftop of the American Embassy and remember tanks breaking down the front gate as the last helicopter takes off. Take a trip to the prosperous village of Cu Chi and its unusual marketplace. Cu Chi is also the home of 150 miles of underground tunnels which played a key role in the Viet Cong war strategy.

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