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After Tet: Military Victory & Political Catastrophe for Johnson, 1968
Series Title:Vietnam War (The New York Times Live from the Past), The
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Social Studies School Service
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1995
Audience:Higher Education
Secondary Education
Running Time:15-min
Politics and Government
Subheading:History, 1951-1980
Social & Political Protest
Vietnam War
Region:East/West Relations
Southeast Asia


"Rich in archival film and print materials from the NEW YORK TIMES, these kits recount key historical issues, provide insightful commentary, and encourage students to analyze news reports. Each unit contains a videocassette, approximately 24 reprints from past issues of the TIMES (reformatted to 81/2" x 11"), a front page poster (221/2"h x 17"w), and a teacher's guide. The videos offer background information enhanced by commentary and journalistic analysis from notable writers like Anthony Lewis, Russell Baker, and Elie Wiesel. The reproducible newspaper reprints feature articles, editorials, maps, cartoons, and photographs related to the videos. NYT Educational Media."

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