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From the Barrel of a Gun
Variant Title:Pacific Century 3
Series Title:Pacific Century
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Pacific Basin Extension, The
Review Available:Review
Media Type:Videocassette
Curriculum Unit
Release Date:1992
Audience:Higher Education
Professional Development
High School
Running Time:60 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (60 min.); 1/2" + 1 faculty or teacher's guide
Author:Pacific Basin Institute/Jigsaw Productions in association with NHK-Japan, KCTS/Seattle and Teleac/Holland
Produced by Peter Bull
Written by Peter Bull, Alex Gibney
Project director, Frank Gibney
Resource Library Number:SEAV 18
ISBN:1559464100; 9781559464109
Politics and Government
Subheading:History, 1951-1980
Political Figures
Vietnam War
Region:Southeast Asia


Describes the revolution began by Asia's political leaders following WW II. Shows how the Pacific war, the cultural revolution in China and the Vietnam War stem from the roots of nationalism. The end of colonial dominance and the subsequent rise of nationalism and communism are told through the lives of Ho Chi Minh, The Vietnamese revolutionary, and Sukarno, the founding father of Indonesia. 

Program three in the Pacific Century series, which studies the interconnections between Pacific nations - and between those nations and the United States - within a geographical, cultural, and historical framework.

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