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Doubles: Japan and America's Intercultural Children
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Global Film Network
Review Available:Review
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1995
Audience:Higher Education
Secondary Education
Running Time:58 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (60 min.); 1/2"
Resource Library Number:AAV 06
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Diaspora and Ethnicity
Subheading:Cross-Cultural Exchange
Discrimination and Racism
History, 1900-1950
History, 1951-1980
Region:East Asia
East/West Relations


DOUBLES is a documentary that deals with the complex issues of cultural identity encountered by children of both American and Japanese heritage. It traces the lives of several now-adult children from the postwar era who struggled with the problems of finding their place in society as mixed-race individuals and how that struggle led to frustration at the cultural pressure to assume an identity based solely on the color of their skin. Life adopts the term 'doubles,' used by parents of mixed-race children who believe that the usage of 'half' in relation to half-Japanese or half-American does not reflect both cultures as equally important in shaping their identity.

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