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Do Two Halves Really Make a Whole?
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Center for Asian American Media, The (CAAM)
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1993
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:23 min.
Author:Produced and directed by Martha Chone-Helsley
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Language and Literature
Subheading:Cross-Cultural Exchange
Performing Arts


This video features the diverse viewpoints of people with multiracial Asian heritages. African- and Japanese-American poet and playwright Velina Hasu Houston lives an 'amalgamated existence' and encourages others to take pride in all that they are. Performance artist Dan Kwong constantly struggles with two strong and often conflicting Asian heritages, Japanese and Chinese American; Chinese Japanese Chicana Scots story-teller, actress, and performance artist Brenda Wong Aoki uses her unique ethnic mix to intersect social circles.

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