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Tokugawa Japan: The Great Peace and the Development of Urban Culture
Variant Title:A Humanities Approach to Japanese History, Part 1
Series Title:A Humanities Approach to Japanese History
Available From:Asian Educational Media Service
Not Commercially Available
Media Type:Curriculum Unit
Release Date:1995
Audience:Secondary Education
Running Time:Not Applicable
Physical Description:146 p. (loose-leaf) : ill. ; 19 slides
Author:by Lynn S. Parisi, Sara Thompson, and Patterson Williams; Social Science Education Consortium
Resource Library Number:EAJCU 03
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Language and Literature
Politics and Government
Subheading:History, Early Modern (17th-19th Century)
Political Theory
Social Change
Region:East Asia


From 1603-1868, Japan virtually closed its doors to contact with the outside world. During more than 250 years of relative isolation and peace, the people of Japan focused inward. The nation underwent dramatic changes, which paved the way for Japan's rapid modernization in the 19th century. The eight lessons in this curriulum unit use art, poetry, philosophy, and government documents to help students explore Confucianism, Tokugawa political ideology, social class structure, and various art forms as reflections of social and economic change.

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