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Working with Japan: A Practical Guide to Business Success
Series Title:Working with Japan Series
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Intercultural Press, Inc.
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1992
Audience:Higher Education
Professional Development
Running Time:6 videos of 25-35 min. each
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Economics and Business
Subheading:Cross-Cultural Exchange
International Business
Region:East Asia


"WORKING WITH JAPAN is a six-part video providing practical recommendations and instructions for managing business meetings, social situations, and negotiation sessions with Japanese counterparts. Featured are interviews with distinguished businesspersons and educators with extensive experience in Japan. This series is for Western business executives who work with Japanese either in their home countries or in Japan. It is designed to benefit people with varying levels of experience, from those just beginning an association with a Japanes company to those already involved in a business relationship." Program topics include "Preparation--Groundwork for Success," "First Meeting--Presenting Yourself," "Negotiating--Strategies that Work," "Business Entertaining--The Roles of Host and Guest," "Women in Business--Obstacles and Opportunities," and "Managing the Relationship--Keys to Long-Term Success."

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