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Meiji Revolution, The
Series Title:Pacific Century, The (Program 2)
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Pacific Basin Extension, The
Review Available:Review
Media Type:Videocassette
Curriculum Unit
Release Date:1992
Audience:Higher Education
Professional Development
High School
Running Time:60 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (60 min.); 1/2" + 1 faculty or teacher's guide
Author:Pacific Basin Institute/Jigsaw Productions in association with NHK-Japan, KCTS/Seattle and Teleac/Holland
Produced by Peter Bull
Written by Peter Bull, Alex Gibney
Resource Library Number:EAJV 046
ISBN:1559464100; 9781559464109
Subject:Economics and Business
Subheading:Economic Development
Economic History
History, Modern (19th-20th Century)
Region:East Asia


Discusses Commodore Perry's invasion of Tokyo Bay and the ensuing trade treaty with the U.S. which ended Japan's 250-year seclusion. Mobilized by the charismatic leader, Emperor Meiji, Japan reorganized its society and cast aside centuries of tradition to become the first industrially under-developed nation to become a modern world power.

Program seven in the Pacific Century series, which studies the interconnections between Pacific nations - and between those nations and the United States - within a geographical, cultural, and historical framework.

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