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Struggle and Success: The African American Experience in Japan
Variant Title:Struggle and Success
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Global Film Network
Review Available:Review
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1993
Audience:Higher Education
Secondary Education
Running Time:85 min. or 58 min.(two versions)
Resource Library Number:EAJV 066
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Diaspora and Ethnicity
Subheading:Cross-Cultural Exchange
Discrimination and Racism
Region:East Asia


"From the remarks of prominent politicians to sambo dolls and 'darkie' toothpaste, the perception of most Americans is that the Japanese view African Americans and other ethnic minorities as inferior. These negative perceptions have led to anger and frustration among African Americans in the U.S. Ironically, despite the perception, some African Americans have made Japan their home and profess to find Japanese culture overall more tolerant than American culture. How can they find a home in Japan? What is it about Japanese culture that can generate such enthusiasm and passion? What are the internal conflicts African Americans must experience living in Japan? This program examines the complex lives of African Americans living in Japan and is the culmination of two years of research, development and production in Japan and the US. "

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