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Fragile Economy, The
Series Title:Japan: The Changing Tradition (Program 24)
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Great Plains National
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1978
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:30 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (30 min.): col.; 1/2"
Author:Produced by the University of Mid-America
producer/director, Smokey Forester
Writer, Michael Berger
Subject:Economics and Business
Science, Technology, & the Environment
Subheading:Economic Development
Land Development
Region:East Asia


"The tremendous economic power of Japan rests upon a delicate balance of often opposing needs -- space, food, resources, industrial products for both domestic and foreign markets, a satisfactory distribution of wealth and opportunity. An example of the way these conflicting forces operate in Japan is the history of the Ashio Copper mines. They were a threat to agriculture with copper pollutants as well as stripping the hills of valuable timber. Despite protests, full pollution control was not established until 1968. But the mine was closed 4 years later depriving the miners of their livelihood and the last major domestic source of copper. Complex economic problems such as almost complete dependency on foreign sources for raw materials and energy require complex and difficult solutions."

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