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Japan: Feature Films

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
Grades: 8-12+
Language: Animation dubbed in English, or with subtitles
Grave of the Fireflies is a beautiful, but heart-wrenching tale of two Japanese children whose parents died during the end of the World War II. Forced to fend for themselves, these children try, unsuccessfully, to survive in a society that is falling apart around them. This tale is very moving and delivers a powerful statement about the folly of war. It is not, however, suitable for young children, who may not be able to handle the grim message this film conveys.

Available from: Facets Video ($19.95 with subtitles, $29.95 dubbed in English)
1517 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614
tel (800) 331-6197

Hiroshima Maiden (1988)
Grades: 4-8
Language: English
Another film that discusses World War II's effect on Japanese children is the U.S.-produced family feature Hiroshima Maiden. Set in 1950s America, this hour-long video details the experience of a suburban family who decide to take in a young woman from Hiroshima so that her extensive scars can be treated by local plastic surgeons. Harassed by his Jap-hating buddies, the family's elder son must come to terms with peer pressure, racism against Japanese people, and the effect war (especially atomic war) has on civilians. The young Japanese woman is faced with constant rejection in both the United States and Japan. This film is a great vehicle for teaching fourth through tenth graders acceptance of different people as well as WWII and post-war history.

Available from: Library Video Company ($14.95)
P.O. Box 580, 7 East Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood, PA 19096
tel (800) 843-3620

Shall We Dance? (1997)
Grades: 10-12+
Language: Japanese with subtitles
This comic film tells the story of a bored middle-aged man who takes up dancing to get the attention of a beautiful ballroom dance instructor. Shall We Dance focuses on norms in Japanese society and people who are brave enough to break them.

Available from: Facets Video ($19.95 with subtitles)
1517 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614
tel (800) 331-6197

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