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Welcome to the new AEMS News and Reviews E- Newsletter. AEMS mission is to promote the understanding of Asian culture and society through media. In each new issue, you will see film reviews, details about upcoming screenings and events, and useful information relating to films about and from Asia. You will find a more detailed description of AEMS programs and services on our website at The AEMS staff - Susan Norris, Jason Finkelman and myself - welcome you to visit our website and live chat with us. We invite your suggestions and questions. Please e-mail us at Sincerely, Nancy Jervis Program Director Asian Educational Media service (AEMS) |
Journey of a Red Fridge
Directed by Lucian Muntean and Natasa Stankovic. 2007. 52 minutes. In Nepali with English subtitles Reviewed by Mary Arends-Keunning
In Journey of a Red Fridge, we are introduced to the plight of
child porters in Nepal. This type of child laborer is extremely
common, yet working as a porter is considered to be one of the worst
types of work; the average load weighs over 100 lbs. and carrying such
heavy loads over a prolonged period of time often leads to health
issues. According to the movie, there are 60,000 child porters in Nepal
with only 25 percent in school. The film provides an intimate view and
raises many interesting questions about child labor, but does not offer
answers about how to eradicate it.
To Tell the Truth:The Liu Binyan StoryDirected by Meggie Miao. 2006. 59 minutes. In English and Chinese, with English subtitles and voice over Reviewed by John A. Rapp
Suffering the pain of exile and the fate of ultimate irrelevance is
perhaps a minor tragedy for those brave men and women who dare to
challenge those in power. For every Andrei Sakharov and Vaclav Havel
who used their international prestige to challenge authoritarian rule
directly and who have reaped well-deserved honors and rewards once
those regimes were overthrown, there are many other, equally brave if
less well-known individuals who labor within the margins of
official ideology, trying to open a space for loyal criticism of the
AsiaLENS Documentary Film Series
AsiaLENS is a series of free public film screenings and lecture / discussion
programs -- organized by AEMS in collaboration with the Spurlock Museum
-- presenting recent documentary films on issues reflecting
contemporary life in Asia. AsiaLENS Fall 2010 Calendar: Journey of a Red FridgeTuesday, September 7, 2010, 7:00 pm Discussion led by Ritu Saksena (Associate Director, Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, UI)1428Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 7:00 pm Discussion led by Kevin Lee (Vice President of Programming and Education, dGenerate Films)Unmistaken ChildTuesday, November 2, 2010, 7:00 pm
Burma VJDecember 7, 2010, 7:00 pm MORE ON ASIALENS |
Asian Film Festival 2010: Visualizing Tibet November 2-7
and feature films from Chinese, Tibetan and the American directors portray Tibetan
history, culture, and a way of life that may be the last frontier of an
ever-encroaching global "civilization." The festival starts on November 2 with the AsiaLENS screening of The Unmistaken Child followed by Martin Scorcese's Kundun at The Art Theater on Thursday, November 4th. All other events take place at the Spurlock Museum on the University of Illinois
Check our website for updates (coming soon).
About AEMS
Media Production Group In addition to hosting film screenings, AEMS also produces
and distributes its own materials under the brand name Media Production Group
(MPG) . These are short educational
videos and DVDs about an aspect of Asian culture suitable for classroom
use and accompanied by curriculum. MPG titles.
Database AEMS maintains a searchable database of over 6,000 films
about Asia, including length, format, distributor and synopsis. search the database
Library AEMS
library, through its connection to the Lincoln Trails library system,
circulates videos and DVDs locally from its collection of more than 2,000. view |

Asian Educational Media Service
805 W Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 |